Dr. Atom J. Lesiak Lovecloud
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About Dr. Atom



Dr. Atom Lovecloud (they/she pronouns), received a Ph.D. in Neuroscience a long time ago. They’ve worked as a basic science researcher, science educator, mentor, teacher, teacher of teachers, science entertainer, activist, and STEM games and activity developer.

They’ve been curious about brains for a long time. One of their early interests in the brain had to do with questions about why their assigned gender didn’t feel right and why did they feel so uncomfortable in their body. Their interest in brains runs deep. They are currently labeling their gender as genderqueer, but recognize the limitations of descriptive words. In life, Atom identifies as a scientist, educator, activist, human-lover, and entertainer. Atom loves all things science, brains, minds, genders, games, exploration, Star Wars, cartoons, puppets, dancing, and pretty much everything honestly. In their research projects they sought to identify how cells in the brain create the experience of having a mind, focusing on how researchers can help minds and brains find a healthy balance of life experiences. While studying the biology of brain stuff, they also learned a lot about how brains interact between people and in groups by running support groups, various educational trainings, and at many public science education events.

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Atomic Brains Objective

Atom’s work with Atomic Brains is ambitious. Currently they are developing educational games, activities and experiences. They also like talking to people about all things science, the brain, and creating inclusive learning environments. Invite them to come speak bout science, neuroscience, gender, and more.

They’re passionate about celebrating science and curiosity in the pursuit of finding peace and balance within ourselves and the world around us.